Faculty Detail Schedule in MyWilmU
Faculty Detail Schedule gives you complete details about each class you're assigned to teach. Access the Detail Schedule for each class from your Faculty Assignments page.
Faculty Detail Schedule shows:
- All of the details from the Assignments list.
- Part of Term is whether the course is a Semester, Block I, Block II, or Modular course.
- Scheduled Meeting Times shows all scheduled class meetings.
- Online courses show only one meeting with the start and end date for the entire class.
- Online Live courses show each scheduled synchronous (live) online meeting.
- Face-to-Face, Hybrid, and other classes with scheduled on-campus meetings show the classroom location for each on-campus meeting in the Where column (usually available about two weeks prior to the start of the term).
- WilmU does not use the Syllabus or Office Hours functions in Faculty Self-Service. Please add this information to your class in Canvas to share with your students.
- You can easily switch between classes by selecting a different class in the Course ID | CRN drop-down list near the top of the page.