Uploading Files to OneDrive

Students can easily add any files or folders of files to their OneDrive account by using a browser, on a mobile device, or by syncing files through the OneDrive app installed on your computer.

Adding files to OneDrive through a Browser

  1. Access your Microsoft 365 account by logging into your My WilmU account.
  2. Access your OneDrive from your Apps. Click the "+ Add New" button in the upper left corner.
    OneDrive Upload Add New Button
  3. Select Files Upload to upload a file on your device.
    OneDrive New File Upload Options
  4. A new window will open for you to select your file. Navigate to the file, click the file, then click Open.
    OneDrive File Selection
  5. Once your file is selected, a notification will show OneDrive will begin uploading your file.
    OneDrive File Upload Notification
  6. Upon its completion, a new notification will indicate its completion.
    OneDrive File Upload Confirmation
  7. Your file is now available in your OneDrive.

Pinning OneDrive to your Microsoft 365 Global Navigation

You may pin OneDrive to your global navigation panel for quick access. This step only needs to be completed once.

  1. Click on Apps on the side navigation menu.
    OneDrive Side Navigation
  2. Find the OneDrive app card listed under Apps. Hover your mouse cursor over the card, then select the three vertical dots.
    OneDrive Card
  3. Select the option, Pin, to add OneDrive to the side navigation.
    OneDrive Card Pin Selection

This will now appear in your side navigation menu.

Adding files to OneDrive through a mobile device

Download the Microsoft OneDrive app through the Google Play store or through the Apple App Store, and sign in using your My WilmU credentials.

  1. Once logged using your My WilmU account, tap the "+" button in the upper ribbon to add a new file.
    OneDrive Add File on Mobile
  2. A new menu will appear. Select Upload.
    OneDrive Mobile File Upload Menu Options
  3. Navigate through your mobile device's file directory to find your file. Tap your file to upload.
    OneDrive Mobile File Selection
  4. Once your upload is complete, tap the File icon, and you shall see your new file upload in your OneDrive Library. You may also refresh your library (typically with a swiping motion downward), and your file shall appear in your library.
    OneDrive Mobile File Uploaded to Library